A Guide to Wedding Invitation Timelines

One of my most frequently asked questions is about the stationery timeline. While all of my couples get a fully customized timeline upon booking, I am breaking down some of my general rules of thumb when it comes to your wedding invitations. 

I like to work backwards from the wedding date as we prepare you stationery. From the wedding date, I measure back 10-12 weeks as the ideal mailing timeframe. When I provide this range, it builds in the buffer time of any delays in the mailing process. I will mail at the 12-week mark, knowing that it is normal for invitations to take up to 2+ weeks to arrive to all of your guests. I never recommend mailing between Thanksgiving and New Years, as the post office gets flooded with mail this time of year. I always recommend getting everything out before Thanksgiving if possible!

From the mailing date, I like to build out 2 months for design and assembly. Depending on the print methods and materials, this may vary slightly, but this is a general timeframe that I work by. I like to ensure we have time to go back and forth on design rounds, as well as all the hands-on assembly work that comes with custom stationery. 

Of course, if we want to design and mail on time, we need to be booked and ready beforehand. While I am recommending booking 7 months in advance, it is not uncommon for couples to inquire sooner. If you are getting married during a peak season (typically August - October in New England), you can book even a year in advance to reserve your spot on my design calendar. 

For any destination weddings, or those with many guests traveling from out of state, it is preferred to shift this timeline by 1-2 months. Allowing your guests ample time to book their flights and accommodations is necessary to a smooth experience. 


Claire & Preston - Martinsville, Virginia


A Look Into My Design Process