3 Reasons to Invest in Your Wedding Invitations

Have you ever heard people say “invitations will just end up in the trash” when talking about stationery budgets? Today we are diving into 3 reasons why you should invest in your wedding invitations. 

  1. Your invitations will set the tone and expectations for your big day. The invitation (or save the date, if you choose) is the very first glimpse into your wedding day. Some even refer to it as a ‘first look’ into what to expect. It sets the overall mood and feel of the event, as well as expectations around what to wear, where to stay, and how to get there.

  2. Your invitation will likely sit on your guests’ refrigerators for the two months leading up to your wedding. They are going to look at it every day, building excitement and anticipation in celebrating with you!

  3. Your invitations are one of the only physical keepsakes you will have from your wedding day. Flowers die, food gets eaten, and the entire day goes by so quickly. We only have the photos to remember them by. When the day is over, your invitations will be a beautiful, tangible memory.

Invitations have an important job to do and simultaneously carry so much meaning.


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